...but came to a screeching halt when you realized...
“I have no idea what to do, who to turn to, or where to even begin!”
Then your brain kicks in with all the doubt:
“I'm in too much pain, I'll never get out of it, right?"

“If I heal, my betrayer won't see how much they've damaged me, so I'm not sure I WANT to heal.”

“I'm scared...I just want to curl up in a ball...I'm worthless…”

“I’m all alone, & I don't know if I can do what it takes?”
Then your brain kicks in with all the doubt:
“I'm in too much pain, I'll never get out of it, right?"

“If I heal, my betrayer won't see how much they've damaged me, so I'm not sure I WANT to heal.”

“I'm scared...I just want to curl up in a ball...I'm worthless…”

“I’m all alone, & I don't know if I can do what it takes?”
But despite the pain & the negative self talk, you know there’s that feeling inside of you...
that there's more in this life for you and you NEED to heal.
YOU HAVE THAT TUGGING FEELING THAT YOU WANT TO get back to a place of actually LIving again.
You’re looking to avoid the pain. But the more you try to avoid it, the less you live. You’re worried you’re just not worth it… Maybe you’re worried about losing your partner, or about what others will think if you heal.  Will they think I'm cold and heartless if I start being happy again?  What if I can't figure out how to get out of the fetal position?
YOU’VE TRIED ON YOUR OWN BUT you're stuck and can't figure out next steps.
Maybe you decided to try being silent and just not addressing the betrayal, but while that creates less fights, you feel even more alone and in pain. Maybe you get advice from 'well-meaning' people, but don't know if it's good advice. You don't have anyone to turn to who KNOWS what you're going through, and maybe attempts made on your own are just NOT working because you don't have sound advice or support. 
So you feel like your plan to avoid the pain backfired and you’re feeling even more stuck after failed attempts to figure out how to heal on your own. You may have questioned where to go for help. Maybe you’re questioning the cost involved in getting yourself to a better place and if it’s even worth it… 

But despite the pain & the negative self talk, you know there’s that feeling inside of you...
that there's more in this life for you and you NEED to heal.
You’re looking to avoid the pain. But the more you try to avoid it, the less you live. You’re worried you’re just not worth it… Maybe you’re worried about losing your partner, or about what others will think if you heal. Will they think I'm cold and heartless if I start being happy again? What if I can't figure out how to get out of the fetal position?
Maybe you decided to try being silent and just not addressing the betrayal, but while that creates less fights, you feel even more alone and in pain. Maybe you get advice from 'well-meaning' people, but don't know if it's good advice. You don't have anyone to turn to who KNOWS what you're going through, and maybe attempts made on your own are just NOT working because you don't have sound advice or support. 
So you feel like your plan to avoid the pain backfired and you’re feeling even more stuck after failed attempts to figure out how to heal on your own. You may have questioned where to go for help. Maybe you’re questioning the cost involved in getting yourself to a better place and if it’s even worth it… 
First let me give you a HUMONGOUS YES!!
...YOU are absolutely 100% WORTH IT! 

You DESERVE to find the calm healing & FREEDOM from betrayal trauma!
So how do I know this can work...
Because it has worked for me. And Many others in the aftermath of betrayal trauma! 
Now, the interesting thing is how I got started in all of this!  My goal was NEVER to be in this space of offering Betrayal Trauma advice!  I didn't go to school to specialize in this, and it was NEVER on my radar!

In fact, I was a Business Office Administration major and a music minor in college, & then entered the health and fitness space for 15 years!  AND...I was happily married for 24 years with NO understanding of trauma or painful relationships.  I was gloriously happy!  So, I am probably the least qualified person education-wise to speak to this.

But I realized that there were regular people just like you and me who were taking their personal experiences, their pain, and their life suffering and turning that into ways to help others — just like they had helped themselves...not through their college education, but through the schooling of hard knocks!  I'll be honest, it's how I've healed the most...NOT from professionals with degrees, but from people in my shoes, who understand the deep pain of Betrayal Trauma!
And I’m really not that great in many things...I’ve just figured this one out. And in the past few years I've walked this road with many women & helped them find healing! Me! A business office major with a music minor who turned into a fitness trainer — who had zero knowledge or experience in the Betrayal Trauma space when I started.

And it’s all because I realized I didn’t have to feel like I was an “expert”, I just had to be willing to look at my own life experience in dealing with the pain of betrayal trauma and the journey I took to find the calm and healing I've achieved and then help other people through similar moments.

For me, this was something I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT see coming, and in fact, I was hugely BLINDSIDED, but it has dramatically changed my life in the aftermath. 

And if you get where I am...maybe one day you'll help other women because you also know the pain of betrayal!
So how do I know this can work...
Because It Has Worked For Me. And Many Others In The Aftermath Of Betrayal Trauma! 
Now, the interesting thing is how I got started in all of this! My goal was NEVER to be in this space of offering Betrayal Trauma advice! I didn't go to school to specialize in this, and it was NEVER on my radar!

In fact, I was a Business Office Administration major and a music minor in college, & then entered the health and fitness space for 15 years! AND...I was happily married for 24 years with NO understanding of trauma or painful relationships. I was gloriously happy! So, I am probably the least qualified person education-wise to speak to this.
But I realized that there were regular people just like you and me who were taking their personal experiences, their pain, and their life suffering and turning that into ways to help others — just like they had helped themselves...not through their college education, but through the schooling of hard knocks! I'll be honest, it's how I've healed the most...NOT from professionals with degrees, but from people in my shoes, who understand the deep pain of Betrayal Trauma!
And I’m really not that great in many things...I’ve just figured this one out. And in the past few years I've walked this road with many women & helped them find healing! Me! A business office major with a music minor who turned into a fitness trainer — who had zero knowledge or experience in the Betrayal Trauma space when I started.

And it’s all because I realized I didn’t have to feel like I was an “expert”, I just had to be willing to look at my own life experience in dealing with the pain of betrayal trauma and the journey I took to find the calm and healing I've achieved and then help other people through similar moments.

For me, this was something I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT see coming, and in fact, I was hugely BLINDSIDED, but it has dramatically changed my life in the aftermath. 

And if you get where I am...maybe one day you'll help other women because you also know the pain of betrayal!
In my experience as a fitness trainer and nutrition coach, I've worked with some of the best trainers and have been highlighted in magazines and on news channels.  So, I know how to help people. If you are someone who feels like you are meant for more in this life than what betrayal trauma has told you, that you want to move forward toward a more calm existence, work on your own healing instead of waiting for your betrayer to stop hurting you, you want to stop being stuck, and you want to design your life moving forward in a way that is healing, calm, and helps you remove the CRAZY that betrayal trauma brings...I have good news for you!
You absolutely can!
I see that in you. And I believe in you.
I want you to know…that you were born thrive & to know your worth.  You are not defined by what your betrayer's actions has shown you!
I believe that with all my heart, whether a thriving life means just finding calm in the chaos or reinventing yourself altogether. We ALL have worth, and we ALL have the ability to recognize that for ourselves!  
You may not even believe that about yourself right now (TRUST ME...I get that!  Betrayal Trauma stole that ability from me for a while), but I see it in you. You have such worth!
I want you to know…that you were born thrive & to know your worth. You are not defined by what your betrayer's actions has shown you!
I believe that with all my heart, whether a thriving life means just finding calm in the chaos or reinventing yourself altogether. We ALL have worth, and we ALL have the ability to recognize that for ourselves!  
You may not even believe that about yourself right now (TRUST ME...I get that! Betrayal Trauma stole that ability from me for a while), but I see it in you. You have such worth!

Here’s the challenge... the idea of having to do healing work can be difficult for a few reasons:
1) we usually can't see our worth due to the damage done by our betrayer
2) we often don’t understand what's normal, what's ok to ask for, or what our next move should be
3) we think it's unfair that WE are the ones having to do so much work to heal when we didn't do this to ourselves!
No wonder it's so hard to take the next step.
But I Have Good News For You!
You Don’t Have To feel your worth at first
You just need to be told the truth by someone else who has struggled with same thing you have struggle with. Someone who has felt that same worthlessness but has come on the other side of it to KNOW their worth and FEEL it now!

You Can Feel calmer and stronger every day
Recognizing your own worth and going to work on your own healing will bring you to a better place of calm after being in utter chaos.  Imagine what it would feel like going through your day with less triggers, less pain, and more joy.  Can you imagine how fulfilling your life would be if you took those steps to figure out how to move forward in your healing journey?
You Don’t need to worry about fixing the betrayer
You don't have to spend months or years of effort trying to fix your betrayer so that you can feel worth something… I have a personal story where I came to realize I couldn't do that, nor was it my responsibility!  I needed to work on ME, and my journey toward healing. And they are fairly simple steps, but difficult if you don't know what to do next.
Your friends & Family Can get you back
You can get to a place where you are the friend, mom, sister, grandma, or daughter you were intended to be!  Can you imagine what it would feel like if you could go out with friends and laugh again, hang out with family and talk about more than your betrayal, or just go out to coffee and not be triggered by something or someone you see?

You Will Come to realize you're not alone
You don't have to do this alone, but you also don't have to share with anyone you don't want to.  You can just hear my story and come to realize we're 'in this together'! If you ever want to connect with others or even use your story to help others down the road, just know that the experiences you’ve endured didn’t happen for nothing.
You’ll Have someone You Can Trust
You will have someone (yours truly) showing you what next steps to take so that you don't have to wonder or try lots of things first (like I did) and cause your healing to take longer.  I'll help you have more confidence as you process through the muck so you don't have to worry about that voice in your head telling you you're unworthy or that you don't know if it's the right decision.  I'll help guide you.
The bottom line is that the betrayal trauma is more common than you think and sadly it's not getting any better with easy access to all the things that can contribute to being betrayed.  More and more people need help and HOPE for healing!
I’ll be straightforward with you. Each time I see someone try to go through the process of healing without someone's help, I see them stay stuck so much longer. And the times I see them connect with someone who's BEEN THROUGH Betrayal Trauma, I see them start finding their path forward more quickly.

There’s no reason for you to struggle for longer than you have to!  You're already in deep right now!

It's really about learning all you can from the experiences of others who've been where you are, and have experienced your pain and UNDERSTAND!  Your healing can happen more quickly and less expensively if you can grasp what to do next from someone who's been in your shoes.
Even if you STILL feel like you're not worth it...
I guarantee you are. 
I’ll be straightforward with you. Each time I see someone try to go through the process of healing without someone's help, I see them stay stuck so much longer. And the times I see them connect with someone who's BEEN THROUGH Betrayal Trauma, I see them start finding their path forward more quickly.

There’s no reason for you to struggle for longer than you have to!  You're already in deep right now!

It's really about learning all you can from the experiences of others who've been where you are, and have experienced your pain and UNDERSTAND!  Your healing can happen more quickly and less expensively if you can grasp what to do next from someone who's been in your shoes.
Even if you STILL feel like you're not worth it...
I guarantee you are. 
You have that person Inside of You that you lost screaming to come out!
I Can Help You Find her again!
Setting Boundaries: Finding Peace in Betrayal Trauma: An Ebook to Help You Find Those Next Steps Toward Healing In A Practical Way With Guidance Based On What I Did Personally To Heal…
even if you're kind of scared what it might look like or if it will work for you
Like with anything, you have to start...and here you will start with my ebook on boundaries in betrayal.

You get yourself out of bed (or stay there), grab your coffee, grab a pen or highlighter if you like, and get your mind ready to take your next steps to a calmer you despite the chaos of betrayal trauma. And the best part…. I’ll be the best guide because I've been there and know the way!
Learn How To:
what the definition of healthy boundaries are and what they are not. Discover what the purpose behind setting them is. This may sound simple, but when I was faced with betrayal trauma, I struggled to define boundaries, and I can help you stop the voice in your head that says 'I don't know if this is a boundary or being controlling...'
how to do one first step that will help you more quickly heal from the very beginning. You will find more confidence and understand more fully why you may be struggling more deeply than you'd hoped.  This one step will help you exponentially heal more quickly in your pursuit of peace in the chaos of betrayal trauma
understand how to...
decide which boundaries are non-negotiables, which ones are necessary, and which ones are ok for you to set if needed. Getting this straight will help your indecision and help you in your relationship to become stronger at knowing what is healthy for you to heal. You'll hear my journey of how I made these decisions in my own battle with trauma
why it's so important for you set boundaries and why it is a crucial first step to get you to a quicker place of healing. Hear why you need to put the focus on you and why it's the one thing you should work to control in this crazy world of chaos you've found yourself in.
feel empowered...
to implement boundaries once you've defined what they are, if they're ok, and WHY it's a necessary step in your healing journey. Hear how my own strength was built as I became empowered, and use it to bolster your own courage to take action to heal.
create the new...
you.  The new you that is brave, capable, more self-confident, and able to understand your worth. The life you had was shattered, and now you can re-design something new and heal from all the hurt and pain. You have one life to live — you need to live it!
"Setting Boundaries: finding peace in betrayal trauma" is About first steps toward healing
The time to act is now.
There will never be a better time than right now to take action toward your healing. The fact is, you have to face it now or months or years down the road — why not do the work NOW and get to a good place quicker?

One more thing... 

Right now I’m offering this ebook at $27. Once I hit 100 purchases the price will raise to $37. 
100% 7 Day Money Back Guarantee
I PROMISE you can do this! But guess what? You don’t even have to believe me!

If you’re not 100% satisfied with this ebook, or the bonuses within 7 days, I will offer you a full refund for any reason.

That means you can purchase the ebook today and take the full 7 days to explore the material. Check out the bonuses (if applicable) and group support (if applicable). Then make a decision using the information you have rather than the information you don’t. 
The time to act is now.
There will never be a better time than right now to take action toward your healing. The fact is, you have to face it now or months or years down the road — why not do the work NOW and get to a good place quicker?

One more thing... 

Right now I’m offering this ebook at $27. Once I hit 100 purchases the price will raise to $37. 
100% 7 Day Money Back Guarantee
I PROMISE you can do this! But guess what? You don’t even have to believe me!

If you’re not 100% satisfied with this ebook, or the bonuses within 7 days, I will offer you a full refund for any reason.

That means you can purchase the ebook today and take the full 7 days to explore the material. Check out the bonuses (if applicable) and group support (if applicable). Then make a decision using the information you have rather than the information you don’t. 
support + healing
01. self-esteem checklist

The Self-Esteem Checklist is a section inside the Ebook designed to help you rebuild your self esteem that has been trashed by the actions of your betrayer. It's a list of proven steps you can take to rebuild your belief in the truth that you are not worthless. This simple checklist help bring you to a place where healing becomes more doable as you press into setting the boundaries you need!

02. Checklist for creating calm in the chaos
I also offer within the pages of my ebook, a large section where I talk about the calming measures you can take to help your triggered and over-stimulated brain to find some calm.  Trauma brain caused this once very calm human (me) to be chaotic and feel crazy at times (sounds nuts, but if you know, you KNOW). This list will help fast-track you toward regulating your brain to help heal those injured neuropathways.

Everyone needs help. And that’s how you gain healing. 
Immediate Access ONLY
Order Your Ebook Today!
• Checklists of Proven Steps for Quick Guidance to Rebuild Self-Esteem & Calming your Brain (inside the ebook & separate printable sheets) - $29 Value
• Welcome Pack of 3 Calming phone & Desktop Wallpapers - $17 Value
• BONUS: 20 Pack of Beautiful Digital Affirmation Cards (Printable) - $26 Value
• BONUS: Digital Journal (print & write your way to healing)- $28 Value
• Total Value - $100
“At the end of the day, the difference between HEALING and failure TO HEAL comes down to the choices you make."

I've loved Base Camp!  It's been such a great intro...can't wait to get started on the modules now!
~Laura M.

Thank you RanDee for helping Base Camp come to life for us - best of luck to you!  Feeling Blessed!
~Anne S.

This Base Camp was AWESOME!  SO MUCH valuable information! I was WOWED!
~Amber G.

All you need is the DESIRE, the DRIVE, the WANT, and the COURAGE to say yes, I WANT TO HEAL!

Included in the package
Included in the package
Immediate Access ONLY
Order Your Ebook Today!
• Checklists of Proven Steps for Quick Guidance to Rebuild Self-Esteem & Calming your Brain (inside the ebook & separate printable sheets) - $29 Value
• Welcome Pack of 3 Calming phone & Desktop Wallpapers - $17 Value
• BONUS: 20 Pack of Beautiful Digital Affirmation Cards (Printable) - $26 Value
• BONUS: Digital Journal (print & write your way to healing) - $28 Value
• Total Value - $100
If it worked for me, having been diagnosed with Severe and Complex PTSD from the trauma after betrayal, it can work for you too.  But you have to do the work!  If you do, it will work!
It's a 95 page ebook.  Each of the chapters are broken up to be easily read in sections if you don't want to read it all at once. There's no timeline — it's about what is best for you. I totally get what it’s like to be busy and to have a tiny window of time.. This ebook was made for anyone facing betrayal trauma no MATTER your schedule.
Setting Boundaries: Finding Peace In Betrayal Trauma was truly made for people not knowing what next steps to take, or those who are feeling stuck in their journey to find healing. This ebook is also different because it comes from the mind of someone who has faced all of the same traumas you've faced. If you struggle hearing from people who just don't understand, whether that's friends or professionals, this ebook is written from one who has been in the trenches of betrayal trauma and KNOWS how you feel!
Same! Don’t worry, you don’t have to be! I have tips, tricks, and tactics for people who aren’t techy and need an easy explanation on all things technology in the online business world. 
I promise you have something that’s special. Something you love, something you’re good at, and something that other people need. We will go over figuring out what your thing is to sell, don’t you worry! You do not need a product to sell yet to start Base Camp. 
Sometimes I don’t like it either! Haha. We will talk about all the different ways you can use social media to sell your products, and it doesn’t involve being on it all day, or having a ton of followers. 
After you finish reading the ebook, you'll have it for life, so you can go back and reference it whenever you like.  It is full of the tools you'll need to really begin to see your life in a different light and create boundaries necessary. I know for me, I needed to be reminded to stay strong, I needed affirmation that I was worthy, and I needed to go back and revisit things that had helped me before but I was struggling with again.  Keep referencing this ebook, utilize your bonuses, and visit my website to see more blog posts or products I have to offer. (
Yes! I am always available via email at  My goal is to also begin a Betrayal Trauma Facebook Group that will be filled with other people like you who are maybe just starting out in your betrayal trauma journey, or perhaps further along but still need support and can also speak truth and love into others.  Wherever you are on your journey, we can all use support!
Don’t wait until tomorrow, or until the timing seems perfect, or until this, or that, or whatever reason you can come up with to put this off.  You deserve healing from the horrific effects of betrayal trauma.

Your next step starts right now — if you’re ready, and I say there's no better time than now!

If you’re ready to take this journey, I'm here for you — I've been where you are. 

Let’s find that beautiful woman inside once again!
LEARN HOW TO set boundaries and find peace in betrayal trauma
Immediate Access ONLY
Order Your Ebook Today!
• Checklists of Proven Steps for Quick Guidance to Rebuild Self-Esteem & Calming your Brain (inside the ebook & separate printable sheets) - $29 Value
• Welcome Pack of 3 Calming phone & Desktop Wallpapers - $17 Value
• BONUS: 20 Pack of Beautiful Digital Affirmation Cards (Printable) - $26 Value
• BONUS: Digital Journal (print & write your way to healing) - $28 Value
• Total Value - $100
For support issues or questions - Please email me at
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